Birmingham City Council is currently seeking Expressions of Interest from community organisations who are seeking to build a partnership with the Birmingham Youth Service focussed on one of their Youth Centres. We are seeking interest in partnership arrangements...
Community Asset Transfer in Birmingham
And Assets of Community Value
This site helps you understand what Community Asset Transfer is, find spaces which might be suitable for CAT and understand the process. It also explains why Assets of Community Value are a different process, what they are and how you can get involved.
Community Asset Transfer CAT
Assets of Community Value ACV
Watch this video about the two processes
Community Asset Transfer CAT allows community organisations to take on a long lease of a publicly owned building. It allows them to invest in the space, secure in the knowledge that they will be able to use it for a long period of time.
This site helps you find possible assets and understand how the transfer process
Community Asset Transfer CAT and Assets of Community Value ACV sometimes get muddled up. An ACV is a building or piece of land who’s main purpose has to been to provide social well-being. Community members can ask for the asset to be registered as an Asset of Community value, ACV. Once that happens the community will be notified if it’s listed for sale and will then have a 6 month period to raise the funds to buy it.
Community Asset Transfer CAT

Find out More About Community Asset Transfer CAT
Is Community Asset Transfer CAT right for you? Whether you’re running a community venue or live near a publicly owned assets that you’d like to do more with. CAT may be a route forward. Find out more here.
‘ … For voluntary and community groups there is a consistent and transparent pathway in Birmingham from the initial expression of interest in an asset to any agreed point of transfer … ‘ [read more]
Assets of Community Value ACV

How to register an Asset of Community Value ACV
To have a building or space added to the register of Assets you need to nominate it. To do that download the nomination form from here.

Birmingham's list of Assets of Community Value ACV
There is a list of Assets of Community Value in Birmingham. You can find it here.
Examples of Community Asset Transfer

Lots of organisations have gone before you, below are a couple of examples
New Community Asset Transfer list available now!
Birmingham City Council is currently seeking Expressions of Interest from community organisations for a series of Birmingham buildings which are available for Community Asset Transfer. If you are a not-for-profit organisation with community aims, and you're interested...
Community Ownership Fund
As part of the Levelling up agenda, the government is looking to give local community groups more opportunity to control assets that mean a great deal to the local area. To find out more, follow the link to the website:...